Overcome the tragedies of addiction! The correct treatment plan could quite possibly save you or your loved one's life. Call us now!
Columbus Behavioral Center for - Columbus, IN.
Columbus Behavioral Center for
is a Drug Rehab Facility located at 2223 Poshard Drive Columbus, IN. 47203 and can be contacted by calling 812-376-1711.
- Treatment Services Offered:
- Mental Health Treatment Services
- Payment Options:
- Medicaid Payment Assistance, Private Pay Insurance, Self-Pay
Questions? Need Help?
Call now to speak with an addiction treatment specialist who can help you find the best rehab program that fits your personal situation.
Residential • Detox • Inpatient • Outpatient • Short Term • Long Term • Low cost • Insurance • Executive • Private
(866) 576-9935
Treatment Centers by City
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- Indianapolis
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