Overcome the tragedies of addiction! The correct treatment plan could quite possibly save you or your loved one's life. Call us now!
Alcohol Treatment Programs South Bend, Indiana
Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Facilities in South Bend, IN provide a safe and quiet environment for taking care of your addiction. At a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Facility in South Bend, an individual that is battling with a drug addiction can become enlightened about their current condition and begin to learn how to live a life without drugs or alcohol. In South Bend, IN, each Drug Rehabilitation Facility can be unique, but all of them have similar goals; they want to help you establish life long sobriety.
After the withdrawal process and detox have been completed, the individual can proceed with all of the other parts of the Drug and Alcohol Rehab Program, which can include individual and group counseling and relapse prevention skills. One of the best benefits of long term residential treatment in South Bend, is that it allows the individual to focus on recovery without any interfenence. The length of stay at a Drug Rehab can vary anywhere from six weeks to six months, or sometimes longer if the program is repairing a long term drug addiction where relapses have occurred.
Questions? Need Help?
Call now to speak with an addiction treatment specialist who can help you find the best rehab program that fits your personal situation.
Residential • Detox • Inpatient • Outpatient • Short Term • Long Term • Low cost • Insurance • Executive • Private
(866) 576-9935
Drug Treatment Facilities in South Bend, Indiana
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in South Bend, Indiana
Notre Dame
St Liam Hall
South Bend, Indiana. 46637
Meeting Times
Friday - 12:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46619
Meeting Times
Wednesday - 12:10 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46637
Meeting Times
Friday - 8:00 PM
Ardmore Wesleyan Church
55555 Moss Road
South Bend, Indiana. 46628
Meeting Times
Friday - 8:00 PM
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46603
Meeting Times
Sunday - 7:00 PM
Wednesday - 10:00 AM
First Baptist Church
3010 S Ironwood Dr
South Bend, Indiana. 46614
Meeting Times
Monday - 7:30 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46635
Meeting Times
Friday - 6:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46636
Meeting Times
Friday - 8:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46623
Meeting Times
Monday - 10:00 AM
Wednesday - 8:00 PM
Thursday - 5:30 PM
Unity Church
905 E Colfax
South Bend, Indiana. 46617
Meeting Times
Monday - 8:00 PM
Thought For The Day
1402 Lincolnway West
South Bend, Indiana. 46628
Meeting Times
Saturday - 7:00 PM 8:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46644
Meeting Times
Saturday - 8:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46604
Meeting Times
Sunday - 7:00 PM
813 S Michigan
South Bend, Indiana. 46601
Meeting Times
Thursday - 7:00 PM
Clay Church / South Campus
17646 Cleveland Road
South Bend, Indiana. 46635
Meeting Times
Thursday - 7:30 PM
2730 Ironwood
South Bend, Indiana. 46614
Meeting Times
Thursday - 7:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46634
Meeting Times
Friday - 5:30 PM
1015 E Madison
South Bend, Indiana. 46617
Meeting Times
Wednesday - 7:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46614
Meeting Times
Tuesday - 7:00 PM
Our Lady Of Hungary
829 1/2 Calvert St
South Bend, Indiana. 46613
Meeting Times
Friday - 8:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46632
Meeting Times
Friday - 8:00 AM
616 Pierce St
South Bend, Indiana. 46616
Meeting Times
Thursday - 8:00 PM
Saturday - 8:00 PM
Grace Methodist Church
3012 Twyckenham
South Bend, Indiana. 46614
Meeting Times
Friday - 7:30 PM
Holy Cross
54515 State Road 933 North
South Bend, Indiana. 46601
Meeting Times
Sunday - 10:10 AM
St Adalberts
2420 Huron St
South Bend, Indiana. 46619
Meeting Times
Monday - 6:00 PM
Quiet Care
533 N Niles
South Bend, Indiana. 46617
Meeting Times
Wednesday - 12:10 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46630
Meeting Times
Thursday - 7:00 PM
20531 Darden Road
South Bend, Indiana. 46637
Meeting Times
Monday - 8:00 PM
Mayflower Road And Western
South Bend, Indiana. 46619
Meeting Times
Wednesday - 7:30 PM
532 S Michigan
South Bend, Indiana. 46601
Meeting Times
Tuesday - 5:30 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46622
Meeting Times
Wednesday - 7:00 PM
River Park Library
2022 E Mishawaka Ave
South Bend, Indiana. 46615
Meeting Times
Thursday - 5:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46608
Meeting Times
Monday - 5:30 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46628
Meeting Times
Thursday - 5:30 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46643
Meeting Times
Saturday - 7:30 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46612
Meeting Times
Tuesday - 10:00 AM
St Joseph Clinic
326 Chapin St
South Bend, Indiana. 46601
Meeting Times
Monday - 12:10 PM
St Joseph Clinic
326 Chapin St
South Bend, Indiana. 46601
Meeting Times
Friday - 11:30 AM
Hope Family Center
423 Lafayette
South Bend, Indiana. 46601
Meeting Times
Monday - 7:00 AM
Tuesday - 7:00 AM
Wednesday - 7:00 AM
Thursday - 7:00 AM
Friday - 7:00 AM
Grace Methodist Church
3012 S Twyckenham Dr
South Bend, Indiana. 46614
Meeting Times
Monday - 7:30 PM
Westminster Presbyterian
1501 W Cleveland Road
South Bend, Indiana. 46628
Meeting Times
Tuesday - 7:30 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46638
Meeting Times
Saturday - 8:00 AM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46625
Meeting Times
Thursday - 10:00 AM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46620
Meeting Times
Wednesday - 5:30 PM
Area Hall
1438 East Calvert St
South Bend, Indiana. 46613
Meeting Times
Monday - 10:00 AM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46609
Meeting Times
Monday - 5:30 PM
Ardmore Wesleyan Church
55555 Moss Road
South Bend, Indiana. 46628
Meeting Times
Monday - 8:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46629
Meeting Times
Thursday - 7:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46641
Meeting Times
Saturday - 7:00 PM
616 Pierce St
South Bend, Indiana. 46616
Meeting Times
Monday - 8:00 PM
Area Hall
South Bend, Indiana. 46617
Meeting Times
Sunday - 8:00 AM
Thursday - 8:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46601
Meeting Times
Sunday - 10:00 AM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46602
Meeting Times
Sunday - 10:00 AM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46627
Meeting Times
Thursday - 5:30 PM
Christ The King Lutheran Church
17195 Cleveland Road
South Bend, Indiana. 46635
Meeting Times
Friday - 7:30 PM
St Judes
19704 Johnson Road
South Bend, Indiana. 46614
Meeting Times
Thursday - 7:30 PM
Holy Cross College
Us 31-33 North
South Bend, Indiana. 46637
Meeting Times
Sunday - 9:00 AM
Little Flower Church
54191 N Ironwood
South Bend, Indiana. 46614
Meeting Times
Wednesday - 7:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46611
Meeting Times
Monday - 8:00 PM
Juvenile Justice Center
1000 S Michigan St
South Bend, Indiana. 46601
Meeting Times
Thursday - 7:30 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46639
Meeting Times
Saturday - 10:00 AM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46626
Meeting Times
Thursday - 12:00 PM
St Joseph Clinic
326 Chapin St
South Bend, Indiana. 46601
Meeting Times
Tuesday - 12:00 PM
St Matthew's
1701 Miami St
South Bend, Indiana. 46613
Meeting Times
Thursday - 7:30 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46616
Meeting Times
Tuesday - 8:00 PM
Faith United Methodist
802 E Ewing
South Bend, Indiana. 46613
Meeting Times
Tuesday - 7:30 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46605
Meeting Times
Sunday - 7:30 PM
616 Pierce St
South Bend, Indiana. 46616
Meeting Times
Sunday - 10:30 AM
Faith United Methodist
Ewing And High St
South Bend, Indiana. 46613
Meeting Times
Sunday - 7:30 PM
747 S Michigan
South Bend, Indiana. 46601
Meeting Times
Sunday - 6:30 AM
Saturday - 6:30 AM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46633
Meeting Times
Friday - 10:00 AM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46613
Meeting Times
Tuesday - 5:30 PM
Holy Cross College
Us 31-33 North
South Bend, Indiana. 46637
Meeting Times
Sunday - 10:00 AM
1402 Lincolnway West
South Bend, Indiana. 46628
Meeting Times
Monday - 5:30 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46621
Meeting Times
Wednesday - 7:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46610
Meeting Times
Monday - 7:30 PM
Trinity Church
61770 Miami Road
South Bend, Indiana. 46614
Meeting Times
Tuesday - 7:30 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46615
Meeting Times
Tuesday - 8:00 PM
Fellowship House
432 Lafayette
South Bend, Indiana. 46601
Meeting Times
Monday - 8:00 AM
Wes Park
5024 Western Ave
South Bend, Indiana. 46619
Meeting Times
Thursday - 4:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46640
Meeting Times
Saturday - 1:00 PM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46618
Meeting Times
Wednesday - 10:00 AM
Area Hall
525 Lacon Way W
South Bend, Indiana. 46624
Meeting Times
Thursday - 8:00 AM
Al-Anon Family Support Group Meetings in South Bend, Indiana
432 S Lafayette St
South Bend, Indiana.
Meeting Times
Monday - 7:00 PM
54191 Ironwood Rd
South Bend, Indiana.
Meeting Times
Tuesday - 9:30 AM
533 N Niles Ave
South Bend, Indiana.
Meeting Times
Wednesday - 6:00 PM
20531 Darden Rd
South Bend, Indiana.
Meeting Times
Monday - 8:00 PM
1438 E Calvert St
South Bend, Indiana.
Meeting Times
Sunday - 8:30 AM
54191 North Ironwood
South Bend, Indiana.
Meeting Times
Monday - 5:45 PM
1501 W Washington St
South Bend, Indiana.
Meeting Times
Sunday - 5:30 PM
54191 N Ironwood
South Bend, Indiana.
Meeting Times
Saturday - 10:30 AM
56405 Mayflower Rd
South Bend, Indiana.
Meeting Times
Wednesday - 9:30 AM
56405 Mayflower Rd
South Bend, Indiana.
Meeting Times
Friday - 5:30 PM
54191 Ironwood Rd
South Bend, Indiana.
Meeting Times
Wednesday - 5:30 PM
Narcotics Anonymous Meetings in South Bend, Indiana
813 South Michigan
South Bend, IN. 46601
Notes: New Way of Life Group Literature Study Closed
Meeting Times
Tuesday - 7:00 PM
Wednesday - 7:00 PM
Saturday - 7:30 PM
1017 E Madison St
South Bend, IN. 46617
Notes: Convicts in Recovery Group Restricted Access Open
Meeting Times
Monday - 7:30 PM
54191 Ironwood Rd
South Bend, IN. 46635
Notes: Welcome Home Group Literature Study, Format Varies Open
Meeting Times
Saturday - 7:30 PM
403 East Madison Street
South Bend, IN. 46617
Notes: Recovery by the Waterfront Basic Text Open
Meeting Times
Monday - 7:00 PM
Saturday - 10:00 AM
333 North Main Street
South Bend, IN. 46601
Notes: Just For Today Group Speaker, DiscussionParticipation Closed
Meeting Times
Sunday - 7:30 PM